about me

I am currently a master's student of automation and electrical engineering programme at Aalto University, where I am majoring in control, robotics, and autonomous systems, and minoring in computer science. I started my studies in the autumn of 2023, and I expect to finish my studies in 2025.

I am also a graduate research assistant with the Sensor Informatics Group, working on stochastic optimization, and for robotics applications.

I was previously a junior research fellow with the Data Augmented Control of Autonomous Systems (DACAS) Lab, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, from 2021-2023. I graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) in mechanical engineering from Ramaiah Institute of Technology in 2021.



  1. Singhal, S., Keshavan, J. and Murali, S. (2023) "Constant optical flow divergence based robust adaptive control strategy for autonomous vertical landing of quadrotors", AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, doi:10.2514/6.2023-1150


  1. J. Keshavan, S. Belgaonkar and S. Murali, "Adaptive Control of a Constrained First Order Sliding Mode for Visual Formation Convergence Applications," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 112263-112275, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3323896


The projects on this page are broadly classified under 2 categories:

  1. Robotics: Projects and codes that are, in some way, broadly related to robotics and robotics reasearch that I pursue.
  2. Software: Other software that are usually applications, such as command-line applications or web applications, that I've built. These are software that are not related to robotics/research and are things I like to build as a tinkerer.


  1. QTMWrapper: A toolkit to enable autonomous systems integration with Qualisys motion capture measurements.
  • Tools: Python (multithreading, asyncio)
  1. crazypaths: A command-line interface (CLI) for path planning quadrotor trajectories using motion capture positioning in the high-level control loop.
  • Tools: Python, Git
  1. 2DOF Antenna Vectoring: Programs that calculate azimuth and elevation angles for positioning a tracker towards a UAV based on GPS data.
  • Tools: Python, NodeMCU (ESP32), socket
  1. ROS Navigation Templates: Templates for developing controller and navigation nodes using the ROS Navigation Stack.
  • Tools: Python, ROS Melodic
  1. Edhitha UAS: A competitive student team that I was a part of (and eventually led) during my undergraduate studies. The team develops UAVs for autonomous navigation, imagery, obstacle avoidance, and other interdisciplinary objectives.


  1. Password Manager CLI: A command-line based local password manager that uses Fernet encryption to locally store your passwords.
  • Tools: Python, Docker (WIP)


Shreeram Murali

Hi, my name is Shreeram, and I'm currently a master's student of electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) at Aalto University, Finland. I'm also a research assistant with the Sensor Informatics Group.

I'm interested in optimization, reinforcement learning, data-driven and vision-based control in areas relating to mobile robotics.

As an engineering student, a lot of my work involves experimentation, so you'll find links to software projects on my GitHub. Outside of this, I'm into photography, film, and music.

link to CV | link to one-page resume
